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    Method for distinguishing CNC engraving and milling machine model

    Newstime: 2019-11-19 14:23:46

    Difference between three models:

    First, CNC milling and machining centers are used to process workpieces with large milling volumes. Second, CNC engraving and milling machines are used to complete smaller milling volumes, or soft metal processing equipment. Third, high-speed cutting machine tools are used to complete the intermediate milling volume and minimize the grinding amount after milling.

    In-depth analysis of the structure of the above equipment can help us make the right choice, and we can analyze from different perspectives.

    First, from a mechanical perspective. The machine tool's machinery is divided into two parts, the moving part and the non-moving part: the table, slide, cross table, etc. are moving parts, the bed, column, etc. are non-moving parts. Part of the rigidity requirements are very good, moving part of the rigidity requirements is very good. Its advantage is that it can perform heavy cutting; its disadvantages: because the moving part is also huge, the flexibility of the machine is sacrificed, and it is powerless for small parts and fast feed. Secondly, as far as CNC engraving and milling machines are concerned, the rigidity of the non-moving part is good. The rigidity of the moving part should be as flexible as possible, and it should be as light as possible while maintaining a certain degree of rigidity. The main advantage is that it can perform relatively small processing and high processing accuracy. Soft metals can be processed at high speeds; the disadvantage is that heavy cutting is not possible due to poor rigidity. Finally, as far as high-speed cutting machine tools are concerned, the rigidity of the non-moving part is very good, and the rigidity of the moving part is better, and it is as lightweight as possible. Its advantage is that it can perform medium and small amount of cutting (for example, a flat bottom cutter of φ10, for a 45 # steel (300), the depth of cut is preferably 0.75); the disadvantage is that it can exert high efficiency and low cost under the correct use, making the grinding amount extremely less. Improper use will immediately pile up scraps of tools.

    Second, from the perspective of numerical control. First, the CNC milling and machining center requires a normal CNC system speed, with a spindle speed of about 0 to 8000 RPM. Second, the engraving and milling machine requires a high-speed numerical control system, and the spindle speed is about 3000 ~ 30000RPM. Third, high-speed cutting machine tools require high-speed numerical control systems and excellent servo motor characteristics, with a spindle speed of about 1500 to 30,000 RPM.

    Three, analysis from the programming software. From a software perspective, CNC milling machining centers, high-speed cutting machine engraving and milling machines can use standard CAD / CAM software such as: MasterCamCimatronPEUG and so on. Milling machines usually think that the Cimatron tool path is better. The new version of the software fully considers the uniformity of the cutting amount of the tool at all times, especially the speed and smoothness of the moment the tool enters and exits the work, and the following difference algorithm at the turning point. The problem (followingError) makes the results and design graphics more closely attached. The CAD part has just adopted a large number of intuitive 3D solid modeling such as Solidworks and then transferred to CAM software for processing through IGS.

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