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    Three key strategic directions of the machine tool industry

    Newstime: 2019-11-19 14:19:51

    First, to further accelerate the adjustment of machine tool product structure. Reduce the production of low-grade, common products; eliminate backward, polluting, and high-energy-consuming products; develop products with high technological content and economic added value; move from providing single machines to providing complete line equipment.

    Second, further improve the industrial chain. Increase policy support, break through the bottleneck of the development of the CNC machine tool industry, vigorously develop CNC systems and functional components, and increase the proportion of CNC systems and functional components in the industry; encourage the development of CNC tools, complex tools, precision gauges, high-end abrasives, and abrasives. Super hard materials and precision mold products.

    Third, implement corporate restructuring. Give full play to the advantages of key manufacturing enterprises in batch manufacturing capabilities, encourage moderately concentrated production of general-purpose mainframe manufacturing; support "specialized, special, and refined" CNC machine tool manufacturing enterprises; expand the scale of functional component manufacturing enterprises and manufacturing technology service enterprises; encourage enterprise asset optimization and restructuring The corporate structure is shifting to "big and strong" and "small but specialized"; development of lean management and agile manufacturing.

    Some developed countries in the world are building green barriers with environmental protection, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of international market access. High-energy-consumption products that pollute the environment are either turned away or subject to heavy tax sanctions. Luo Baihui believes that the research and application of low-carbon economy and green manufacturing technology and grasping the future economic development direction have become the basis for entering the international market. Chinese machine tool tools enterprises should incorporate low-carbon manufacturing and green manufacturing into their development plans.

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    Suzhou Jiasu Machinery Co., Ltd.

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    Website: cantonpower.cc

    Address: Jinxing Fumin Industrial Park, No. 5418 Wuzhong Avenue, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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